August 2014 update

Hi All,

Not much happening theses days, playing wise. I’m still jamming every weekend at the Gas Pump and every Wed. night with KickbacK. No gigs though. Did a couple of gigs at the beginning of July. One was a party gig which paid good and the other was a club gig which, of course, paid crap. Club gigs are where we get to play more of the type of music we like to play though. It’s still fun, whatever we’re doing.

When I say “we”, I mean my wife and I. I should mention that the support and help I get from my wife to help with moving gear or setting up is waaay beyond expectations. Thanks, honey.

Teaching has slowed during the summer, but it has allowed me to do much more mixing in the studio. Expect to see another original tune from KickbacK soon!

On a sad note … Doug Jenson, long time Edmonton Guitar player and vocalist, passed away last week. He had a style I really liked. A great player. Rock on Doug!

Mike Chenowith and myself are continuing to get together and rehearse and write. The Shufflehounds are on a break right now.

I have been in conversation with the Alberta Government re: doing some recording for them. The project would be to record material for a LD (Learning Disabled) student. Something I have a lot of experienced doing.

Anyway, that’s about it for now. Remember to support live music!

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