Tuesday, July 25, 2017 Leave a Comment
Hi All, Well the Usual Suspects have moved our Saturday Jam Session to a new venue called, ‘The Leaf.’ We have been there for a couple of months and are enjoying the change. We have had both players and patrons follow us from The GasPump to The Leaf so, that is great! KickbacK is rehearsing sporadically these days. I have been concentrating on writing and recording original songs. I’ve been rehearsing and jamming with different players and am trying new ideas in terms of writing. Mike Chenoweth and I are doing different gigs together and have had some fun doing so. We did a very cool ‘out in the country’ type gig as a duo and it was a hoot! I’m also looking to put together a band that plays primarily original tunes. Did a benefit gig for a coffee house last weekend. It was a gig with my brother and nephew which was a very nice outdoor party type deal. We always play about half of our own music so that makes the gigs more fun for me.
Teaching during the summer is slow, but gives me a chance to catch up on other things. Like yard work!
See you next time!