April 2019
Hi All,
Hope everyone had a great Easter.
Well, our trip to Mexico was a ton ‘o’ fun. Once again we were there for the Jazz Festival in Puerto Vallarta. Killer players! The coolest thing is seeing and hearing these really talented guys and gals in a very intimate club atmosphere… right on the beach! So even if you’re not in the club you can still see and hear the band.
I got a chance to do some jamming with some local players while I was there. One was a country band and the other was a ‘classic rock’ band. It’s always fun for me. There’s a lot of live music in Puerto Vallarta so there are a lot of decent players ’cause it is very competitive. We will go again.
On the home front – It was good to get back home and to the Saturday Afternoon Jam. The Grey Men are still doing Tuesday rehearsals and that is getting tighter. I’m working on another original tune. I’m trying to write a bass line at this point.
My drumming seems to have gotten more relaxed as of late. Could be just old age – lol.
See ya next time!
February 2019
Hi All,
Well, we are in the midst of a very cold winter. Playing music always warms me up though.
I’m still playing twice a week, once at rehearsal with The Grey Men and then doing the Saturday jam. I’m still playing with Thomas Alexander and the Fusion Experience however, it’s been tough getting together because it’s a 7 piece band and is very hard to get all of us together at one time. We all have other businesses on the side and sometimes they require attention.
Teaching wise, I’m getting more Guitar students these days. It is a situation that’s always in motion. Sometimes more Drums, sometimes more Guitar. It’s always more of a challenge trying to keep up with my Guitar chops ’cause, although I have played lots of Guitar in my life, I have done mainly Drumming gigs so have more chops doing that. I still have fun and enjoy learning, so it’s all good!
Looking forward to going to Mexico in March. We lucked out last year and were there at the same time as a Jazz Festival was happening. I got a chance to do some jamming with locals when i was there. Hope I can do that again! Talk to ya’ll when we get back!